Friday, September 6, 2013

Niche market

There is a heating and air conditioning service somewhere in the Birmingham area running an ad on radio about their service technicians not using foul language and not smoking.  They even guarantee it.  If their service tech do curse or smoke, you receive your service call for free.  

Does this offend smokers or those that regularly use foul language?  I don't know.  Maybe.  Do you think the heating and air conditioning company cares whether it offends them.  Probably not.  Why?  Because in making that statement, they have caught the attention of a niche market.  A segment of the population who prefers not to be around someone smoking and/or using foul language.  Even if that that is only 10% of the population, think about how many heating and air companies there are out there.  Maybe 100.  So, any given company might expect to receive 1% of the market.  If, by making a statement such as this, they can capture 10% of the market, how HUGE is that?  

Think about that as you are deciding on a target market and how to market to them.